Why hoarding is so dangerous for Christians

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Hoarding is a true mental and spiritual battle for many people. One that is greatly misunderstood, and often even frowned upon. But because hoarding poses real spiritual dangers for all Christians, we should talk about it. Let’s shed some light … Continued

When is something vain repetition?

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I’ve been asked this question repeatedly: When is something considered “vain repetition”? The people who wondered, myself included, always referred to one verse, Matthew 6:7 which states: “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for … Continued

Wrestling with God

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Jacob’s wrestling with Someone in the night is one of the more mysterious events depicted in the Bible. But once you see what it means, you will be amazed by what God tells us through this event. In this fourth … Continued

When blessings hurt

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On some days, we don’t feel blessed at all. There are seasons in which we feel like we are hit by one wave after another. Facing sickness, heartache, accidents, opposition, wars, and other kinds of tragedy is part of life, … Continued