Why hoarding is so dangerous for Christians
Hoarding is a true mental and spiritual battle for many people. One that is greatly misunderstood, and often even frowned upon. But because hoarding poses real spiritual dangers for all Christians, we should talk about it. Let’s shed some light … Continued
5 Biblical Keys to Keeping Your Resolutions
Every Christian has – and should have – resolutions of some kind: whether or not connected to the start of a new year, we all want to grow and learn to be more like Christ. We would like to have … Continued
When is something vain repetition?
I’ve been asked this question repeatedly: When is something considered “vain repetition”? The people who wondered, myself included, always referred to one verse, Matthew 6:7 which states: “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for … Continued
Your Bible Question: Should we bless our homes, and if so, how?
Annamaria asks: “I was raised Catholic and when we moved into another home closer to my father’s workplace and much larger for three kids than the previous house. We were not Ardent churchgoers but all three of us went through … Continued
The deeper meaning behind what happened to Dinah
Genesis 34 talks about Dinah’s rape, and the consequences of this most unfortunate event. How does something so ugly point to Jesus and glorify God? We need to ask God Himself to figure that out, and that is what we’ll … Continued
Wrestling with God
Jacob’s wrestling with Someone in the night is one of the more mysterious events depicted in the Bible. But once you see what it means, you will be amazed by what God tells us through this event. In this fourth … Continued
Why Good Friday is considered a good day
Good Friday seems to be an odd name for a day on which our Lord Jesus was killed and suffered terribly. Still, we consider Good Friday to be a good day in many ways, and so did Jesus, even though … Continued
When blessings hurt
On some days, we don’t feel blessed at all. There are seasons in which we feel like we are hit by one wave after another. Facing sickness, heartache, accidents, opposition, wars, and other kinds of tragedy is part of life, … Continued
Your Bible Question: Why did God forbid the mixing of fabrics?
Over the last seven years or so, various people have asked me: “Why did God forbid the mixing of fabrics?” And I always felt that the answer I gave them wasn’t the whole story; it felt incomplete – as if … Continued
The prophecies hidden in the love triangle between Jacob, Rachel, and Leah
The stories of Rachel and Leah hold much more meaning than meets the eye: about 2000 years before Jesus was born, God used these sisters to share His plan for salvation through Jesus Christ. Jacob’s marriage to Rachel and Leah … Continued
You are not alone in the darkness
Have you ever felt lonely, troubled, tired, or unsure if you can make it through another day? Even Christians, who ought to walk in the Light and presence of Christ, face doubt, darkness, troubles, and loneliness sometimes. There is a … Continued
The prophetic messages that are hidden within Jacob’s journey
Did you realize that there are many prophetic messages hidden within the journey that Jacob embarks on to find himself a wife? This article series about Genesis 28-35 dives deep into the stories of Jacob, Rachel, Leah, and Dinah, to … Continued
From Manger to Messiah: Decoding the Prophetic Symbols of Jesus’ Birth
You will probably have seen the nativity scene depicted every Christmas, but do you know why these events had to happen in this particular way? Why did Jesus come to earth as a baby? Why was Jesus laid in a … Continued
Out Now: Overcoming Burnout Through Biblical Tactics
Hallelujah! My first book ‘Overcoming Burnout Through Biblical Tactics’ is out now! It can only be providential that this book was ready for publication exactly 7 years after Jesus saved me and called me into ministry! Interestingly, His call came … Continued
Biblical Relationships
This website contains various articles on Biblical relationships. To make it easier for you to find what you are looking for, I’ve gathered them here. As our archive of articles continues to grow, this list will grow along with it. … Continued