Christian perfectionism
The Bible teaches us that we should be perfect since God is perfect (Matthew 5:48). But what does that mean? And what if a perpetual striving towards being perfect leads to stress and anxiety and becomes an unbearable yoke? Or … Continued
Should you love yourself?
It is often said that you should love yourself before you can love another person. Or that self-love is conditional for being able to experience true love for another human being. Although decades have gone by in which I considered … Continued
How to deal with false guilt – the Biblical way
Where does false guilt come from? What is the difference between true and false guilt? And most importantly: how do you overcome false guilt? We all know the gnawing feeling of guilt. And the condemning, accusing voice that confronts you … Continued
How to be a Proverbs 31 superwoman
When I read Proverbs 31, it is easy for me to feel despair, guilt, and anxiety, because I will never be a 24-hour super mom. Besides the fact that I have mental and physical limitations that stand in the way … Continued
About the ministry logo
The concept of this logo was received under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It illustrates three core values of this ministry: The lioness The lioness respresents strength, courage, and loving care. One day I was in the church bathroom … Continued