Broken by the world – Restored by Jesus

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Women who were broken by the world (like me) are often powerful lionesses in Jesus’ pride. But we don’t always feel that way. Sometimes we know we are restored, but we still feel broken inside, more like a helpless cub than a roaring lion.

On my journey with Jesus, I discovered that as I began to understand the Word of God more and more, and my relationship with Jesus grew, I grew stronger too.

That is why I started this ministry:

To fulfill my calling to teach and help Christians like me. So that by the Word of God, you too can experience peace, joy, strength, courage, hope, love, and faith.

Lioness in a field of golden grain

Danielle and Bernice are my actual names. They are both Biblical names. Danielle means “God is my Judge” in Hebrew, and Bernice means “bringer of victory” and “victorious” in Greek. So, it combines these truths of the Old Testament and the New Testament into one essential reality:

If God is your Judge, you will be victorious, and you will be a bringer of victory through Christ.

God is your Judge, no one else, not even you. If you truly believe that, you can overcome anything the world throws at you.

If that were easy, we wouldn’t need this ministry. The fact is that it isn’t, at least not for women like me. Living by this truth has been a lifelong struggle for me, and often it still is.

After struggling through a “life” filled with all mental, physical, and sexual abuse, Jesus washed me clean. He bound up my wounds, gave me peace and joy, filled me with love, and showed me my purpose. But that doesn’t mean that the scars aren’t still there. Sometimes the devil even points them out to me and tells me I am still that “good for nothing, stupid little girl”.

In those moments, my names remind me: make God your Judge, and you will be victorious.

For a long time, I thought the scars on my soul made me ugly, unworthy, and unclean. But Jesus showed me that the scars give me a unique beauty and that they are living proof of what He can do for all who are broken. And yes, my scars weaken me, but God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong (1 Corinthians 1:27).

He also taught me that He has prepared me for this task my whole life and that even the hardship was part of His good plan.

I know that there are many more women like me out there. Women who love Jesus, but struggle with life. If you are one of them, I hope this ministry will help you to be equipped for the challenges in your unique journey with Jesus.

So, feel free to take a look around and awaken your inner lioness!

For God’s glory,

Danielle Bernice

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