Inspirational Women of the Bible
Explore the remarkable stories of the inspirational women of the Bible – from the well-known narratives of Ruth, Deborah, and Esther, to the hidden gems that await discovery. You will see that there is more to them and their stories … Continued
Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Christian: 3 Biblical Keys for HSPs
In a loud and fast-paced world filled with constant stimulation, being a highly sensitive person (HSP) can sometimes feel like a challenge. There are days on which you might feel that your high sensitivity is a blessing, but on other … Continued
Coming soon: a Powerful Solution to Overcome Burnout
In recent years, burnout has become an incapacitating challenge within the Church as it stands in the way of a fruitful, fulfilling Christian life. With symptoms like exhaustion, depression, concentration issues, and a wide range of physical problems, joyfully serving … Continued
Philippians 4:8 phone wallpapers
I’ve created these seven phone wallpapers for my first book called “Overcoming Burnout through Biblical Tactics” which will be published this month, God willing! In one of the exercises in that book I refer to Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brothers, whatever … Continued
Broken by the world – Restored by Jesus
Women who were broken by the world (like me) are often powerful lionesses in Jesus’ pride. But we don’t always feel that way. Sometimes we know we are restored, but we still feel broken inside, more like a helpless cub … Continued
The full armor of God
As Christians, we don’t fight against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers. We wrestle with our flesh, but also against external powers that lure us into discouragement, fear, guilt, unbelief, rebellion against God, and so on. The Bible (Ephesians … Continued
What does it mean to bless God?
We read it in the Bible and we sing it often: “Bless the Lord oh my soul,” or “Blessed be the Lord”. But what does it mean to bless the Lord? How can we, as humans, bless an infinitely big … Continued
What is the flesh and why should it be crucified?
Today is Good Friday, a day on which we remember what an amazing thing Christ did for us on the cross. On the day that Jesus was crucified and died for our sins, He made a way for us to … Continued
What does it mean to fear God?
The Bible is filled with commands to fear God. But what does it mean to fear the Lord when you are a Christian? Why should we fear God if He is love? How should we fear God? Can we fear … Continued
Trouble in paradise: Putting the marriage series into practice
This is the final part of the marriage series, and it’s going to be different. This article will focus on the practical side of what we’ve learned so far by sharing the testimony of how my husband and I have … Continued
10 crucial qualities of Christian wives
How can Christian wives become wives after Christ’s heart? How can a wife help improve her marriage according to the Bible? How can we remain Christ-centered in a demanding marriage? When the first churches were founded, Christians struggled with the … Continued
Why the Bible teaches wives to submit to their husbands
Why does the Bible teach wives to submit to their husbands? Many women and men, struggle with this command. Because if Christ made us all equal (Galatians 3:28), why this seeming inequality? We have already discussed God’s intentions for our … Continued
God’s design for marriage
What is God’s design for marriage and why? Is it God’s will for you to marry? What about divorce? Most of us have questions when it comes to the topic of marriage. And none of these questions are new. In … Continued
What every Christian wife should know about her marriage
Happy Valentine’s Day! As Valentine’s Day is used to celebrate love and romance, today would be a good day to start a new series about one of the greatest symbols of romantic love: The Christian marriage. Christian marriages differ from … Continued
When is it “true love”?
What is true love according to the Bible? How can you tell if someone really loves you? How and where do we find true love? It is almost Valentine’s Day, and that makes many of us think about, well… love! … Continued